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Indigenous People

My father's mother was full blooded Seneca Indian.  She grew up on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation.  She spent 5 years at Carlisle Indian School from age 10 to 15 learning to be a domestic worker. Her brothers and sisters were also sent there.
Recently I can across records from Carlisle archives.  I discovered records of my grandmother and some of her siblings.  It was because of this discovery that I wanted to honor my heritage with a series of Indigenous people. These women are the beginning of the series.  
I'm using tea bags to create their faces. I use embroidery thread as hair and to accent wrinkles. Fabric is used for their clothing and background.  In some of the works I use beads as necklaces.
I've named the pieces with Haudenosaunee (Iroquois - people of the longhouse) names.

© 2021 Catherine Imo

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